Top skills
- C++
- Python
- Swift
- Unity
Main tools
- XCode
- VSCode
- QtCreator
- Jupyter Lab
I'm a Ph.D. student at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Cagliari. My research interests are in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing, focusing on hexahedral mesh generation.
I love to solve problems and develop stuff, even more if it is related to the 3D world.

[app]An iPad app to visualize and explore 3D meshes built on top of the Pizza3DEngine library.
- App
- iPad

[code]A simple 3D Engine for iPadOS that supports both surface and volumetric meshes.
- Library
- Swift
- Metal

Generalized Adaptive Refinement for Grid-based Hexahedral Meshing
[paper]L. Pitzalis, M. Livesu, G. Cherchi, E. Gobbetti, R. Scateni ACM Transactions on Graphics (to appear, SIGGRAPH Asia 2021)
- Research
- Hexmeshing

Optimal Dual Schemes for Adaptive Grid Based Hexmeshing
[paper]M. Livesu, L. Pitzalis, G. Cherchi ACM Transactions on Graphics (to appear, 2021)
- Research
- Hexmeshing

Working with Volumetric Meshes in a Game Engine: a Unity Prototype
[paper]L. Pitzalis, G. Cherchi, R. Scateni, L. D. Spano Proceedings of Smart Tools and Applications in Computer Graphics (STAG 2020)
- Research
- Unity

The Py3DViewer project: A python library for fast prototyping in geometry processing
[paper]G. Cherchi, L. Pitzalis, G. L. Frongia, R. Scateni Proceedings of Smart Tools and Applications in Computer Graphics (STAG 2019)
- Research
- Python